PTball stands for "progressive tennis".  PTball combines elements of tennis and other racket sports into a new, innovative and exciting game!  PTball is also a "social" sport.  We promote teamwork, good sportsmanship and tennis etiquette.  This website is dedicated to the development of PTball for everyone.  If you like racket sports you’ll love the fun, strategy and challenge of PTball. Get in the game!


The basics:  PTball is played on a pickleball court using 50% compression tennis balls and 21" tennis rackets.  PTball can be played recreationally or competitively and as singles or doubles.  And PTball is suitable for all ages.  PTball is fast paced so you’ll get a great workout in a short time.  And with less stress on your joints!  Rackets and balls are available at most sporting goods and big box stores (you'll find 50% compression balls next to the 21" rackets).  Note:  23" rackets are acceptable with group permission. 


Our Goal:  To make PTball available to everyone.